jueves, 14 de enero de 2010

Her best friend must die

Ana would not smile for the picture if she knew that her best friend must die within five years. That is the lifetime that the new Venezuelan Animal "Unprotection" Bill allows for existing Staffordshire Bull Terriers. After that time allowance has passed, having one will be totally illegal.

During those five years that the Congress, in its infinite wisdom, has granted her, Bombay must be kept in "condition of captivity". She won't be allowed to reproduce. If we stopped being there for her, adoptimg her would be a crime.

All of this happens because she is now considered a "pitt bull type canine". Little does it matter if there was no such thing as a "pitt bull type canine" before; the Congress, in its infinite wisdom, invented it.

Little does it matter that the SBT has been called the nanny dog.

Little does it matter that there are only about 100 Staffords in Venezuela, and never an accident involving them.

Little does it matter that they are small dogs, weighting 17 kilos for the males and 15.5 for the girls, tops.

BUT the Animal Unprotection Bill allows bullfighting. Allows cockfighting. Allows ritual sacrifice in wichtcraft practices. Allows vivisection and animal trading in the streets. Does not forbid puppy mills. Not important.

It seems like the Bill's call to glory will be depriving us from our pets.

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